
连名带姓 Lyrics & Translation [张惠妹 A-Mei]

连名带姓 [张惠妹 A-Mei]

零七年 那一首定情曲的前奏
the prelude to our song that played in '07
要是依然念念不忘 太不称头

if I still can't forget it, means i haven't suffered enough,
早放生彼此 好好过 都多久

it may be best letting go of each other... it's been too long.

你怎么像标本 杵在我心里头

why are you like a specimen that's etched in my heart?
后来的那几个 又没做错什么

the others that came after you, didn't do anything wrong...

they called me the selfish one,
犯了偷窃时间的错 复制贴上你的爱

I couldn't move on from the past, and pictured everyone as you...

*也很精彩的你 不甘寂寞
the you who I loved, refused to be lonely,
这圈子不太大 多少听说

or so I've heard... it's not a big world.
欣赏你流浪 像是种信仰

admired how you let go so easily... almost religiously

i really do think so.

**再被你提起 已是连名带姓

the more you mention me, the more cordial it becomes...
谎称是友谊 却疏远得可以

you said we'll still be friends, but so easily kept your distance.
there are many who still love me, 
偏放不下你 是公开的秘密

but I just can let you go, it's an open secret,

only you pretend not to know.

再处心积虑 终究事不关己
the more i think about it, the more it doesn't matter,
哪来的勇气 我就是不灰心

where does this courage come from? i'll never give you up.

i'm moving on, but i'm still loving you,
其实在等你 是仅有的默契

always waiting for you, was our only agreement,
你会不会又错过 我没有把握

will you miss it once again? i'm losing faith...


算不清 多少个跨年夜一起过
the endless countdowns we spent together,
在要是依然念念不忘 太不称头

if I still can't forget it, means i haven't suffered enough,
早放生彼此 好好过 都多久it may be best letting go of each other... it's been too long.

你怎么像标本 杵在我心里头
why are you like a specimen that's etched in my heart?
后来的那几个 又没做错什么

the others that came after you, didn't do anything wrong...

they called me the selfish one,
犯了偷窃时间的错 复制贴上你的爱

I couldn't move on from the past, and pictured everyone as you...

*也很精彩的你 不甘寂寞
the you who I loved, refused to be lonely,
这圈子不太大 多少听说

or so I've heard... it's not a big world.
欣赏你流浪 像是种信仰

admired how you let go so easily... almost religiously

i really do think so.

**再被你提起 已是连名带姓
the more you mention me, the more cordial it becomes...
谎称是友谊 却疏远得可以

you said we'll still be friends, but so easily kept your distance.
there are many who still love me, 
偏放不下你 是公开的秘密

but I just can let you go, it's an open secret,

only you pretend not to know.

再处心积虑 终究事不关己
the more i think about it, the more it doesn't matter,
哪来的勇气 我就是不灰心

where does this courage come from? i'll never give you up.

i'm moving on, but i'm still loving you, 
其实在等你 是最后的默契
waiting for you, was the final agreement,
要是我们又错过 就别再回头 

if we miss this again, let's never look back...

Clement Chen

enjoys things, ideas and concepts that makes me question life, love and beyond. the other spectrum of me enjoys football, beer, pop culture - ya know... the more macho stuff. Often fluctuates between phases of feeling melon or not feeling melon.

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